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Sedimentology and geochemistry of an urban coastal lake system: Coombabah Lake Nature Reserve, Gold Coast, Queensland




A study was initiated to address environmental concerns associated with changes in land use in the catchment area of Coombabah Lake, a brackish coastal lake system located in southeast Queensland. Sedimentological and geochemical data derived from a series of cores that penetrate the ca. 0–6000 year-old lacustrine sequence indicate that throughout much of its history, Coombabah Lake has remained a quiet, shallow, water body fed by fine-grained sediment dropped from suspension. Discrete and laterally continuous, shelly horizons form the basis for the stratigraphy developed for the lake sequence. A lithological transition in the upper 50 cm of the sediment column, from mud to shell-rich, sandy mud, suggests that the depositional regime changed ~500 years ago as accommodation space was filled. At this time, the dominant sedimentary processes changed to include reworking, partial bypass of sediment, the intermittent concentration of shell debris by winnowing, and the development of a flood-tidal delta complex in the lower reaches of the lake. Sharp increases in total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus concentrations below the lithological transition at 50 cm depth suggest that the capacity of the system to preserve organic matter and trap nutrients decreased significantly after the transition in depositional regime. Results indicate that current conditions in Lake Coombabah are governed by natural processes associated with the long-term evolution of coastal lake systems, and reveal little to suggest that there were any adverse affects resulting from recent human activities in the surrounding catchment.
机译:已着手进行一项研究,以解决与昆士兰州东南部咸淡的沿海湖泊系统Coombabah湖集水区土地使用变化相关的环境问题。沉积和地球化学数据来自一系列渗透到加利福尼亚州的岩心。已有0-6000年历史的湖泊序列表明,在整个历史的大部分时间内,Coombabah湖一直是一个安静,浅水的水体,由悬浮的细粒沉积物喂养。离散且横向连续的贝壳状地层构成了为湖泊序列开发的地层学的基础。沉积柱上部50 cm的岩性转变,从泥浆到富含贝壳的沙质泥浆,表明沉积条件在大约500年前随着填充空间的变化而发生了变化。这时,主要的沉积过程发生了变化,包括返工,部分沉积物分流,通过风吹断断续续聚集贝壳碎片以及在湖的下游形成潮汐-三角洲复合体。在50 cm深度以下的岩性转变以下,总有机碳,总氮和总磷浓度急剧增加,这表明在沉积方式转变之后,系统保留有机物和捕获养分的能力显着下降。结果表明,库伦巴赫湖的当前状况受与沿海湖泊系统长期演化相关的自然过程的控制,几乎没有迹象表明由于附近流域人类活动造成任何不利影响。



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